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Searching for a device

  1. Navigate to the Devices menu item in the Sidebar and click the Filters button. Options will appear for searching devices.

    • Categories: Click the selected category tick-box(es) to narrow down the search for devices.

    • Assigned: Enter a user name or place.

    • Status: Select the desired status(es) of the devices.

    • Flags: Click the selected flag tick-box(es) to narrow down the search for devices.

  2. Your selected attributes will be displayed next to the Filters button.

  3. Your search result(s) will appear below.

You can delete searching options with the Clear All button.


  • There is a quick search option located top of the screen.

  • Simply enter a data (device name, assigned user or place, serial number, invoice number or barcode) into the search field and the relevant device(s) will appear.

quick search