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Why is it useful?

  • Allows administrators to monitor usage and availability.

  • Ensures accurate tracking of devices throughout their lifecycle.

  • Prevents loss, theft, or misuse through proper monitoring.

  • Supports proper management of devices during their lifecycle.

  • Enables tracking of devices designated for charitable purposes.

  • Identifies devices no longer in optimal working condition.

  • Provides historical status records for compliance and audits.

Types of Statuses

The application has ten different attributes to categorize devices, and each status is represented by a distinct color.

  • New: When a device is created and assigned to the IT department, it will be given the New status until it is assigned to a user or location. This status will be displayed in green.

  • In-use: When a device is allocated to a user or location, it will be marked as In-use. This will be display in blue.

  • Used: If a device, initially assigned to a user or location, is later reassigned to the IT department, it will be labeled as Used. This will be display in orange.

  • Missing: If a device has gone missing or its location and/or owner is unknown, you can add the Missing attribute to it. This will be display in red.

  • Damaged: If a device has sustained physical or functional harm, hindering its normal operation, you can assign the Damaged attribute to it. This will be display in pink.

  • Discarded: This attribute signifies that the company has already scrapped or recycled the device. The device will not be deleted from the application. This will be display in grey.

  • Charity: When the company donates a device to charity, such as other organizations, you can add the Charity attribute to it. This will be display in purple.

  • In-service: When the device is undergoing service maintenance, you can assign the In-Service status to it. This will be display in dark green.

  • Store: If you place the device inside the company store or designate it for charity, you can assign the Store status to the device. This will be display in yellow.

  • End of Life (EOL): When the company determines that the product is no longer viable or supported, you can add the End of Life (EOL) status to it. This will be display in black.

How to add the status to a device?

  1. Navigate to the Devices menu item in the sidebar.

  2. Click to the desired device.

  3. Go to the information right-side panel and click the small arrow in the status area.

  4. Choose from the available options from the drop-down menu.

status area

Display of statuses

Details view

  • The name of the status will appear at the top of the tiles, positioned in the center of each tile and in the information right-side panel at the status area also.

  • On the common tiles (new, in-use, used, damaged, in-service), the status is displayed with colored letters. However, for certain statuses (missing, discarded, charity, EOL), there is a colored background to draw attention and emphasize their significance.

status display on tile

Listed view

  • In the listed view the name of the status will appear in a column with colored letters and in the information right-side panel at the status area also.

  • In the discareded status case, the device will be displayed as a strikethrough item.

status display in list


You can also view nine statuses on the Dashboard, where you can see a value indicating how many devices have that status within the company.

status display on dashboard