📄️ About the Settings Page
You can locate the Settings menu item at the top-right corner of the page, positioned between the notification and help icons. Within this menu, you will discover essential features designed to enhance your efficiency while working in TheStorage. Some of these features may be occasional in use, while others can be applied as needed.
📄️ General
Delete notification email
📄️ Barcode
You can generate and use barcodes for your devices. One of the biggest advantages of using barcodes is that they facilitate easy and accurate identification* of devices, which can significantly reduce the administrative burden on the company. With a barcode, a device can be completely traced.
📄️ Intune
Microsoft Intune
📄️ Logo
In the application, administrators have the ability to customize the appearance of the application to align with their company's branding. One such customization option is uploading your company logo on the Logo page. Once uploaded, the logo will be displayed at the bottom of the sidebar and in various other locations throughout the application.
📄️ Import
When you using the application as an administrator first time, you have the convenient option to import your existing inventory. This allows you to efficiently migrate your current inventory data into the application, saving you time and effort in manual data entry.
📄️ Tenants
Every company or tenant has the flexibility to create one or more tenants. Tenants offer a logical separation* for devices and software within the organization. This separation can be based on various criteria, such as location, department, or any other relevant factor.
📄️ Billing
On this page, you can enter the billing data that you would like to appear on the invoices. Please fill in the following details: